How the performance works

Distancio - Tranås - U(ntelling) s(tories)

U(ntelling) s(tories), the title of the performance, unravels the identities we develop from stories we tell ourselves. For the performance clothing is used as the ‘material’ of identity. Yarn is seen as ‘story’ and yarn-making the unraveling/untelling/discovery of stories that identity has formed around.

The performances are scheduled meetings taking the form of relaxed ‘craft-circles’ in people's homes.

Participants bring an article of used clothing that they are willing to donate to the project, and a pair of scissors. The venue will need some work surfaces and tasty refreshments.

  1. Mark Rautenbach initiates the project from Cape Town, South Africa. He starts the ball rolling by making the ‘core’ ball of yarn which is posted to Tranås.

  2. Four participants in the first meeting in Tranås, make yarn and bind their stories/yarn into a ball. Mark facilitates via Zoom. This is the second ball of yarn which is deposited in the library and process-images sent to Mark.

  3. These four participants each form their own groups by inviting people they know, for the next set of meetings.

  4. The next set of meetings are scheduled to take place sequentially. Mark Zooms in at each meeting. Each group develops their own ball of yarn, once completed, depositing at Kultivera in Tranås and sending Mark process-images

  5. Members from these four meetings then form their own meetings. Sequentially scheduling times with Mark. The meetings therefore grow and expand exponentially, through word of mouth. The balls of yarn grow along with them.

  6. The first performance begins on 18 June and craft-circles continue until the Autumn Equinox, 21 September.

  7. During October, the collection of balls of yarn are bound onto the original core ball. This performance takes place in the library. People of Tranås are invited to participate in the creation of the monumental ball of yarn.

  8. From November until the Winter Solstice, 21 December, the monument will tour and rest in various public spaces through-out Tranås.

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